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Al-Habib Abdur Rahman as-Saqqaf (Bukit Duri)

>> Monday, February 2, 2009

Al-Habib Abdur Rahman as-Saqqaf (Bukit Duri)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Isnin day, time Zohor dated 7 Rabi `ul Awwal 1428H (26 Mac 2007) a return to more scholars we rahmatUllah. Habib 'Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad bin' Abdul Qadir as-Saqqaf was born in Cimanggu, Bogor. He has since become a little more orphaned when ayahandanya to rahmatUllah die and leave him in a state of dhoif and poor. He even at times be a child of the age-kanaknya once said: "Maybe from all the orphans, the poorest is me. Lebaran time, children wear slippers or shoes, but I do not have slippers shoes again. "

But poverty was not hinder him in the science of religion. Begins with education in the Jamiat al-Khair, Jakarta, and so menekuni learn with the old scholars such as Habib 'Abdullah bin Muhsin al-Aththas rahimahUllah a call with the famous dam Habib Bogor. He was able to walk berbatu-stone merely for the present study Habib dam Bogor. In addition to act with Habib embankment Bogor, he participated in a student to Habib 'Alwi bin Thahir al-Haddad (former General Mufti of Johor), Habib' Ali bin Muhammad bin Thahir al-Haddad, Habib Ali bin al-Husein Aththas (Habib Ali bungur), Habib Ali bin 'Abdul-Rahman al-Ethiopia (Habib Ali Kwitang) and some teachers more. With perseverance, seriousness and keikhlasannya, he can take all the lessons given to the good. Control sciences tools such as nahwu has made admirable teachers, and even encourage their students to learn the others with him.

Then he became alive bermulalah sower spreader and knowledge in various madrasahs until he eventually founded his own center, called Madrasah Tsaqafah Islamiyyah in Bukit Duri, Jakarta. Education is not possible to separate the soul from the late Habib 'Abdul-Rahman, which almost all age dibaktikan for science and education, so he called the teacher as the theologian. Truly, the deceased was a leader of the day and night and witnessed the sublime morals moral pekertinya, with the famed perangainya softness, with the famed khusyu'nya, with the famed keramahannya by the whole community, the poor, the rich, merchants, farmers, priest, theologian and those people who still do not get Hidayah also witnessed the glory and honor he rahimahullah hospitality, with a broad knowledge famed, great teacher and chaplain for the Fuqaha in India, day and night of worship, the house is madrasahnya, eat and drink with the guests, father and mother to thousands of students.

In addition to leaving the children and the uterus that connects thousands of business students, he participated in leave-essay essay not only in the language 'Arabic language but also in Java and Sunda. Karangannya also not limited to one branch of knowledge only, but various kinds of knowledge, from the nation, commentary, morals, hinggalah sastera fiqh. Between karangannya printed for use santri-santrinya: --

1. Hilyatul Janan fi hadyil Quran;
2. Safinatus Sa `id;
3. Misbahuz Zaman;
4. Bunyatul Ummahat; and

Buah Delima.

So mawlid months of this year, he witnessed the pemergian to rahmatUllah. Hopefully God put him together with his ancestors so that the adoration of the Prophet saw and hope that God made for us of the left.



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