Al-Habib Abdur Rahman bin Zein bin Ali Al-Jufri
>> Monday, March 23, 2009
Sayyidy al-Habib Abdurrohman bin Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri born
year 1938 in Semarang. Ayahanda he a theologian 'famous
akhlaqnya with altitude, broad knowledge, simplicity of his life,
Sayyidy namely al-Habib Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri, he is Ibunda
women sholehah Sayyidah Hababah Sidah bint Muhdlor Assegaf.
When he was 8 years old, he was transported by him to the city ayahanda Tarim
in Hadromaut (Yemen) to study the Sayyidy al-Habib bin Abdulloh
Umar as-Syatiri. Some of his teachers there is Sayyidy al-Habib Alwiy
Abdulloh bin bin Shihab, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Abubakar Hafidz bin sheikh,
Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Haddad Toha etc.. In Hadromaut, he got
competent reading Maulid al-Ahzab directly from sheikh Muhammad
After 8 years in Hadromaut, he returned to Indonesia, he learned
Sayyidy on al-Habib Umar bin Ahmad Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al -
Habib Umar bin Toha Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad
(Pekalongan), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad al-'Atthos (Pekalongan),
Sayyidy al-Habib Ahmad bin Salim bin Jindan, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin
Abdurrohman as-Syatiri (Jakarta) etc..
He said if being in Jakarta, he does not forget to visit one
a two-Habib Ali, the Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Abdurrohman Ethiopia
Sayyidy and al-Habib Ali bin al-Husein'Atthos.
He always taught the students to demand his knowledge, to
attend the Majlis-Majlis ta'lim, Majlis-Majlis who attended the routine he is
Maulid Nabi Majlis reading, warning Haul, Majlis reading shohih
Bukhori. In one occasion while in residence at the Majlis rohah
Sayyidy al-Habib Abubakar Assegaf (Gresik), he said, "If
keberkahan Majlis is redeemed with the money even if the 1 billion is still not
Majlis akan keberkahan replace it. "
In Semarang, he nurture some Majlis ta'lim, among
instruction in the Sunday morning ayahanda his residence on Jl. Pethek 55 Semarang,
Maulid reading in Mushola Nurul Iman Pranakan in the village (the village
he), reading manaqib as-Qodir sheik Abdul al-Jilani every Friday night
at his residence, study the book of Ihya 'Ulumiddin every Saturday morning.
One of his mandate, he invites to a simple life and he
Istiqomah invites participation in Majlis-Majlis him. Even when the rain and
despite the flood, he still attended the Majlis-Majlis he, although only
diboncengkan motorcycle. When a big flood in Semarang years
1991, he was walking from his residence predict the student newspaper
his students. He was present when he was in the Majlis in Sragen, he attended
leave with the students, he increased public transport.
There is one interesting case, when he menyanggupi to fill in the event tahlil
a home, home shohibul accidental bayt overwhelmed. He requested that
seats are provided, "Let's begin in this place, because of flooding can not be
cause terganggunya things better. "There is no good that
light, all is good weight, so his advice.
Advice-the advice is to respect his parents, he once said
that the key to life, he is Mother; he considers students
love him as his own children, we must always be patient
patient because there is no limit, we must remain in deliberation
all cases, ask if there is something on which opinions are older;
came to the Majlis-Majlis goodness, Majlis ta'lim, take a good un
that is not good. But if the Majlis-Majlis is to teach
bergolong the then-Majlis-Majlis tinggalkanlah because it certainly does not have
good in it.
Sayyidy al-Habib Abdurrohman bin Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri die
to rahmatulloh on 26 July 1997 / 21 Robi'ul Awwal 1417, exactly one
weeks after his bath Sayyidy sheikh al-Habib bin Abubakar
Assegaf in Solo. Towards the rahmatulloh him to die, he still
fill in the event, giving advice to his disciples. Last advice
He is to observe prayer 5 times.
Insya Alloh by following the steps he was, until then we will
to step-progenitor and progenitor he Insya Alloh to akan
steps Sayyidina Muhammad Saw Rosulillah.
year 1938 in Semarang. Ayahanda he a theologian 'famous
akhlaqnya with altitude, broad knowledge, simplicity of his life,
Sayyidy namely al-Habib Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri, he is Ibunda
women sholehah Sayyidah Hababah Sidah bint Muhdlor Assegaf.
When he was 8 years old, he was transported by him to the city ayahanda Tarim
in Hadromaut (Yemen) to study the Sayyidy al-Habib bin Abdulloh
Umar as-Syatiri. Some of his teachers there is Sayyidy al-Habib Alwiy
Abdulloh bin bin Shihab, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Abubakar Hafidz bin sheikh,
Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Haddad Toha etc.. In Hadromaut, he got
competent reading Maulid al-Ahzab directly from sheikh Muhammad
After 8 years in Hadromaut, he returned to Indonesia, he learned
Sayyidy on al-Habib Umar bin Ahmad Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al -
Habib Umar bin Toha Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad
(Pekalongan), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad al-'Atthos (Pekalongan),
Sayyidy al-Habib Ahmad bin Salim bin Jindan, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin
Abdurrohman as-Syatiri (Jakarta) etc..
He said if being in Jakarta, he does not forget to visit one
a two-Habib Ali, the Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Abdurrohman Ethiopia
Sayyidy and al-Habib Ali bin al-Husein'Atthos.
He always taught the students to demand his knowledge, to
attend the Majlis-Majlis ta'lim, Majlis-Majlis who attended the routine he is
Maulid Nabi Majlis reading, warning Haul, Majlis reading shohih
Bukhori. In one occasion while in residence at the Majlis rohah
Sayyidy al-Habib Abubakar Assegaf (Gresik), he said, "If
keberkahan Majlis is redeemed with the money even if the 1 billion is still not
Majlis akan keberkahan replace it. "
In Semarang, he nurture some Majlis ta'lim, among
instruction in the Sunday morning ayahanda his residence on Jl. Pethek 55 Semarang,
Maulid reading in Mushola Nurul Iman Pranakan in the village (the village
he), reading manaqib as-Qodir sheik Abdul al-Jilani every Friday night
at his residence, study the book of Ihya 'Ulumiddin every Saturday morning.
One of his mandate, he invites to a simple life and he
Istiqomah invites participation in Majlis-Majlis him. Even when the rain and
despite the flood, he still attended the Majlis-Majlis he, although only
diboncengkan motorcycle. When a big flood in Semarang years
1991, he was walking from his residence predict the student newspaper
his students. He was present when he was in the Majlis in Sragen, he attended
leave with the students, he increased public transport.
There is one interesting case, when he menyanggupi to fill in the event tahlil
a home, home shohibul accidental bayt overwhelmed. He requested that
seats are provided, "Let's begin in this place, because of flooding can not be
cause terganggunya things better. "There is no good that
light, all is good weight, so his advice.
Advice-the advice is to respect his parents, he once said
that the key to life, he is Mother; he considers students
love him as his own children, we must always be patient
patient because there is no limit, we must remain in deliberation
all cases, ask if there is something on which opinions are older;
came to the Majlis-Majlis goodness, Majlis ta'lim, take a good un
that is not good. But if the Majlis-Majlis is to teach
bergolong the then-Majlis-Majlis tinggalkanlah because it certainly does not have
good in it.
Sayyidy al-Habib Abdurrohman bin Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri die
to rahmatulloh on 26 July 1997 / 21 Robi'ul Awwal 1417, exactly one
weeks after his bath Sayyidy sheikh al-Habib bin Abubakar
Assegaf in Solo. Towards the rahmatulloh him to die, he still
fill in the event, giving advice to his disciples. Last advice
He is to observe prayer 5 times.
Insya Alloh by following the steps he was, until then we will
to step-progenitor and progenitor he Insya Alloh to akan
steps Sayyidina Muhammad Saw Rosulillah.
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