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Al-Habib Abdur Rahman bin Zein bin Ali Al-Jufri

>> Monday, March 23, 2009

Al-Habib Abdur Rahman bin Zein bin Ali Al-JufriSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sayyidy al-Habib Abdurrohman bin Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri born
year 1938 in Semarang. Ayahanda he a theologian 'famous
akhlaqnya with altitude, broad knowledge, simplicity of his life,
Sayyidy namely al-Habib Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri, he is Ibunda
women sholehah Sayyidah Hababah Sidah bint Muhdlor Assegaf.

When he was 8 years old, he was transported by him to the city ayahanda Tarim
in Hadromaut (Yemen) to study the Sayyidy al-Habib bin Abdulloh
Umar as-Syatiri. Some of his teachers there is Sayyidy al-Habib Alwiy
Abdulloh bin bin Shihab, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Abubakar Hafidz bin sheikh,
Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Haddad Toha etc.. In Hadromaut, he got
competent reading Maulid al-Ahzab directly from sheikh Muhammad

After 8 years in Hadromaut, he returned to Indonesia, he learned
Sayyidy on al-Habib Umar bin Ahmad Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al -
Habib Umar bin Toha Assegaf (Semarang), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad
(Pekalongan), Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin Ahmad al-'Atthos (Pekalongan),
Sayyidy al-Habib Ahmad bin Salim bin Jindan, Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin
Abdurrohman as-Syatiri (Jakarta) etc..

He said if being in Jakarta, he does not forget to visit one
a two-Habib Ali, the Sayyidy al-Habib Ali bin al-Abdurrohman Ethiopia
Sayyidy and al-Habib Ali bin al-Husein'Atthos.

He always taught the students to demand his knowledge, to
attend the Majlis-Majlis ta'lim, Majlis-Majlis who attended the routine he is
Maulid Nabi Majlis reading, warning Haul, Majlis reading shohih
Bukhori. In one occasion while in residence at the Majlis rohah
Sayyidy al-Habib Abubakar Assegaf (Gresik), he said, "If
keberkahan Majlis is redeemed with the money even if the 1 billion is still not
Majlis akan keberkahan replace it. "

In Semarang, he nurture some Majlis ta'lim, among
instruction in the Sunday morning ayahanda his residence on Jl. Pethek 55 Semarang,
Maulid reading in Mushola Nurul Iman Pranakan in the village (the village
he), reading manaqib as-Qodir sheik Abdul al-Jilani every Friday night
at his residence, study the book of Ihya 'Ulumiddin every Saturday morning.

One of his mandate, he invites to a simple life and he
Istiqomah invites participation in Majlis-Majlis him. Even when the rain and
despite the flood, he still attended the Majlis-Majlis he, although only
diboncengkan motorcycle. When a big flood in Semarang years
1991, he was walking from his residence predict the student newspaper
his students. He was present when he was in the Majlis in Sragen, he attended
leave with the students, he increased public transport.

There is one interesting case, when he menyanggupi to fill in the event tahlil
a home, home shohibul accidental bayt overwhelmed. He requested that
seats are provided, "Let's begin in this place, because of flooding can not be
cause terganggunya things better. "There is no good that
light, all is good weight, so his advice.

Advice-the advice is to respect his parents, he once said
that the key to life, he is Mother; he considers students
love him as his own children, we must always be patient
patient because there is no limit, we must remain in deliberation
all cases, ask if there is something on which opinions are older;
came to the Majlis-Majlis goodness, Majlis ta'lim, take a good un
that is not good. But if the Majlis-Majlis is to teach
bergolong the then-Majlis-Majlis tinggalkanlah because it certainly does not have
good in it.

Sayyidy al-Habib Abdurrohman bin Zein bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Jufri die
to rahmatulloh on 26 July 1997 / 21 Robi'ul Awwal 1417, exactly one
weeks after his bath Sayyidy sheikh al-Habib bin Abubakar
Assegaf in Solo. Towards the rahmatulloh him to die, he still
fill in the event, giving advice to his disciples. Last advice
He is to observe prayer 5 times.

Insya Alloh by following the steps he was, until then we will
to step-progenitor and progenitor he Insya Alloh to akan
steps Sayyidina Muhammad Saw Rosulillah.


Al-Habib Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad Assaqqaf (Tarim)

>> Thursday, March 19, 2009

Al-Habib Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad Assaqqaf (Tarim)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The Guardian Bertabur Karamah

One of the guardians and scholars from Ahlil Bait Ba'alawi which is bertabur karamah Habib Abdurrahman bin Muhammad As-Saqqaf. He got As-Saqqaf surname, which means the roof of the guardian and the people in the era Salih

Scholars of Tarim, Hadramaut this is known as a guardian bertabur karamah. One is often seen many people being present at important places in Makkah. Ulama is also known as a strong bermujahadah scholars. He had not slept for 33 years. Dikabarkan, he often met with the Prophet SAW and friend in the awake every Friday night, Monday and Thursday, ongoing.

Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf is a great theologian, a noble guardian, the priest role models and teachers for the large auliya al-'arifin. He was born in the city of Tarim, Hadramaut in the 739 H. She called her mother bint Abi Bakr Ahmad Ibn al-Faqih al-Muqaddam.
One day, one of the santri named Muhammad bin Hassan Jamalullail at the mosque was very hungry once. That time, the santri ashamed to say about the circumstances of the stomach rumbling. Apparently the teacher will know the circumstances santrinya. He then called for the santri ride up to the mosque floor. Strangely, before he terhidang food is delicious.
"Where to get the food?" Ask Muhammad bin Hassan Jamalullail.
"Kudapati meal from a woman," answered the runaway. In fact, the sepengetahuan santri, not one entry in the mosque.
When the night has arrived, people who view them as long to travel out at night, as the long night of prayer that he did. Together with friend, Fadhl, never to worship in the cemetery near the U.S. Nabiyallah him many months. He and the friend of friendship that closely tied. They both together to study and discuss each other sciences that are useful.

Many auliyaillah and the sholihin glamourize Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf. He did not decide a case against someone, but after hearing from the signaling of the Right to do something. Said As-Sayyid Al-Jalil Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abubakar Ba'alawy, "When Habib Abdurrahman have decided a matter for me, then immediately hilanglah me love the world and the nature of blame, switch to the nature of commendable."
As the auliya in Hadramaut, he also loves to worship self-exile in the hills An alley-Nu'air at once and also berziarah to tomb of Prophet Hood AS. The other a student named Ali bin Syeikh Abdurrahim preacher said, "At a time sepulangnya we berziarah to the tomb of Prophet Hood as Habib Abdurrahman together, he said, "We will not except in the Maghrib prayer Fartir Rabi '. We are very astonished with his speech. When the sun was almost down the distance that must be our of the very remote. He told us just keep running while berzikir to Allah SWT. We arrived on time in Fartir Rabi ', the sun began to sink. So we believe that with the sun until karamahnya inclined to bottle up before he reached the place that ditujunya. "

Diriwayatkan also on a day he was sitting in front of his disciples. Suddenly he saw lightning. He said to them: "Bubarlah you soon will be a flood in this valley." What is spoken by as he was told that.
A time-Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf visit one of his wife who is in a village, said on his wife who are pregnant, "You will bear a male child on the day and so will die right on the day of so and so, soon mayatnya gift-wrap the shroud is .
Habib Muhammad bin Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf and provide piece of cloth. With the permission of Allah, his wife giving birth puteranya on the specified days and not longer a new born baby that died on the day spoken by him before.

Once upon a time, there is a boat full of passengers and goods suddenly leaking sink only. All passengers who have the boat in the panic. Some have a beristighatsah (resort) on the part of carers diyakininya with his name. Some others who have beristighatsah the name of Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf. People who mention the name of Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf is to see his dream being to cover the hole the boat almost sinking it with his leg, to the survivors. Story is heard by people who do not believe in coincidences Abdurraman Habib As-Saqqaf.
Lapse of some time after the incident on the person who does not believe that Habib Abdurrahman was lost in a journey for three days. All food and drink supply runs out. It was almost desperate. Fortunately he still remembers the stories his istighatsah with Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf, who once didengarnya some time ago. Then he mentioned the name beristighatsah with him. And he vowed that if Allah SWT be saved in this way it will be abiding with Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf. His name has not been selesaimenyebut suddenly there came a man who gave him the dates and water. Then he indicated the way out to avoid hazards.

Karamah another's Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf, also evidenced by a house servant. One was a waitress in the middle when dihadang travel by footpad. Kendaraannya and perbekalannya then seized by a family from Al-Katsiri. Servants who are afraid that soon beristighatsah the name of Habib Abdurrahman ask for help with loud voice. When people who seize the vehicle and stores the waitress will be touch and kenderaan goods perbekalannya suddenly stiff hands can not be moved a bit. See a critical situation that the prowler said the servant who seized the vehicle and perbekalannya.
"I promised to restore the barangmu this if you beristighatsah once again to syeikhmu you mention his name before," said the brigand.
The waitress immediately beristighatsah please hand the man in order to recover as they are. With the permission of Allah, the prowler was immediately healed and that the goods seized be returned to the waitress. Time waitress was met with Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf, he said, "If you do not need to beristighatsah loud voice, because we also hear it."

That is some karamah addressed to scholars called complete Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf Al-Muqaddam Ats Tsani-Maulad Dawilah bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Alwi Shahibud Dark Al-Ghuyur bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali Shohib Mirbath Khali 'Qasam bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Ubaidillah bin Al-Imam Al-Muhajir bin Isa Ahmad, and continue until nasabnya prolonged Rasulullah SAW.
As-Saqqaf nickname comes from the word as-saqfu (roof), which means the roof of the guardian and the people Salih on time. That will signal the height of knowledge and a high maqam, and even exceeded the ulama-ulama of the time. He also received the nickname Syeikh Al-Wadi Al-Ahqaf and Muqaddam Ats-Tsani Lis Saadaati Ba'alwi (Al-Muqaddam second after Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam). Since then, the title given to the Assaqqaf he and all his descendants.
Since he was a small steep range of science and dive into a range of knowledge, both oriented aql (intellect) or naql (religious reference). He memorize Al-Qur'an from Syeikh Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-preacher, and learn science and Tajwid Qira'at. He also act to asy-Syeikh Muhammad Ibn Sa'id Basyakil, Syeikh Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr Ba'ibad, Syeikh Muhammad Ibn Sa'id Ka'ban, Syeikh Ali Salim Ibn Ar-Rakhilah, Syeikh Abu Bakr Ibn Isa Bayazid, Syeikh Umar Ibn Sa'id Ibn Kaban, Syeikh Imam Abdullah Ibn Thohir Addu'ani and others.

He learned the book At-Tanbih and al-Abi Isaac Muhadzdzab essay. He also like the book Ar-tract-Al and Al Qusyairiyah 'As-Awarif paper Samhudi. He also never missed the books to learn composition Al-Imam Al-Ghazali as Basith, Al-Wasith, Al-Wajiz, Khulashoh and Al-Ihya Ulumiddin. And the book-length Imam Ar-Rofi'iy such as Al-'Aziz Al Syarh-Wajiz and Al-Muharror.
Habib Abdurrahman As-Saqqaf always read Al-Qur'an every day and night with 8 times khataman, 4 in the evening and 4 in the afternoon. At the time of the day he read it 2 times last from dawn until after the Dhuhur, 1 from the last time until Dhuhur Ashar (the dibacanya in 2 rakaat prayer), and 1 time after khataman prayer Ashar.
Each time to plant palm trees, he read a letter Yasin for each tree. Once again it is 1 khataman Al-Qur'an for each tree. Then given a new date palm trees to the children.
He died in the city of Tarim on Thursday, 23 Sya'ban year 819 H (1416 M). When they want to turn his face to the direction, the face is turned to its own direction. Jasad he be buried on Friday morning, in the graveyard Zanbal, Tarim. He left 13 sons and 7 daughters.

Disarikan from Syarh Al-Ainiyyah, Nadzm Sayyidina Al-Qutub Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Alhaddad Ba'alawy, the work of Al-Allamah al-Habib Ahmad bin Zain Alhabsyi Ba'alawy


Al-Habib Abdur Rahman Az-Zahir

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Al-Habib Abdur Rahman Az-ZahirSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Aceh War Combatants

Towards the end of 19th century Dutch colonialism pressure-combatants against the independence of the pitiless fighter, especially against Islamic warrior-combatants. But the pressure did not release the spirit of the martyr in the struggle against the colonizers. Many of resistance, even going to war in the land of water to freeze out colonists.
Among the war against the Dutch, the war in Aceh is a war that most long and terrible. From 1973 until the year 1903, not less than 30 years, this land rencong turbulent and blood of the martyr disirami. In this war, some became very famous names, such as Teuku Umar, Panglima Polim, Cut Nyak Dien and more. But, as said by Mr. Hamid Algadri (alm.), 86, in his book, Islam and Arab descent in the rebellion against the Netherlands, is less known by the public in the war, there are also some of Arab descent. In fact, said Hamid Algadri, together with their role in Aceh between the pemimping in that terrible war.

Name called Snouck Hurgronje are Tengku Teupin Wan Habib, one of the organizers of holy war. The names of other descendants of Arabs who are disebutnya Long Habib, Habib Samalanga and so forth. However, Snouck words, the most popular leader among the descendants of Arab war in Aceh is Azzahir Habib Abdurrahman, who was born in Teupin Wan, a village in Aceh, near Lamjong.

Among all these symptoms, maasih word Snouck, the emergence of Habib Abdurrahman most worrying is that the colonial Dutch. That is between the figures and the Aceh habib involved in the war, Habib is often called Habib Abdurrahman Itam or Teupian Wan, recognized by the public as the highest leader in Aceh. Most people who work under the leadership is Engku Id, Tengku Abas, Tjot Rang, Imeum Saidi's Lambaro and more, such as Tengku Soepi, son Tengku at the famed Langget.

Of the opinion that Habib Abdurrahman Al-Zahir (Al-Zahir is a branch of the Shahab) only a shadow of war leader Sabil, Snocuk firm-firm membantahnya. Snocuk opinion is based on the fact that there is and on what is still remembered by the general-general of the Dutch own actions Habib.

Snouck addition, an Australian author, Anthony Reid also writes about Habib Abdurrahman Azzahir. Described the emergence of the time that Habib around the year 1870, the sultanate of Aceh has been the government that does not mean that, because of the emergence of another suspect suspicious-commander of the sultan of limiting the ability to rule effectively. But as a religious leader Habib Abdurrahman can urge people based on loyalty in a higher weight to the religious obligation, to collect money in the amount of business for the diplomatic and war. He was, after the successful channeling of funds, also successfully reconcile the commander and the sultan is in enmity for decades. Habib also successfully build its own military strength to inspire resistance against the Dutch colonists.


Al-Habib Abdur Rahman as-Saqqaf (Bukit Duri)

>> Monday, February 2, 2009

Al-Habib Abdur Rahman as-Saqqaf (Bukit Duri)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Isnin day, time Zohor dated 7 Rabi `ul Awwal 1428H (26 Mac 2007) a return to more scholars we rahmatUllah. Habib 'Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad bin' Abdul Qadir as-Saqqaf was born in Cimanggu, Bogor. He has since become a little more orphaned when ayahandanya to rahmatUllah die and leave him in a state of dhoif and poor. He even at times be a child of the age-kanaknya once said: "Maybe from all the orphans, the poorest is me. Lebaran time, children wear slippers or shoes, but I do not have slippers shoes again. "

But poverty was not hinder him in the science of religion. Begins with education in the Jamiat al-Khair, Jakarta, and so menekuni learn with the old scholars such as Habib 'Abdullah bin Muhsin al-Aththas rahimahUllah a call with the famous dam Habib Bogor. He was able to walk berbatu-stone merely for the present study Habib dam Bogor. In addition to act with Habib embankment Bogor, he participated in a student to Habib 'Alwi bin Thahir al-Haddad (former General Mufti of Johor), Habib' Ali bin Muhammad bin Thahir al-Haddad, Habib Ali bin al-Husein Aththas (Habib Ali bungur), Habib Ali bin 'Abdul-Rahman al-Ethiopia (Habib Ali Kwitang) and some teachers more. With perseverance, seriousness and keikhlasannya, he can take all the lessons given to the good. Control sciences tools such as nahwu has made admirable teachers, and even encourage their students to learn the others with him.

Then he became alive bermulalah sower spreader and knowledge in various madrasahs until he eventually founded his own center, called Madrasah Tsaqafah Islamiyyah in Bukit Duri, Jakarta. Education is not possible to separate the soul from the late Habib 'Abdul-Rahman, which almost all age dibaktikan for science and education, so he called the teacher as the theologian. Truly, the deceased was a leader of the day and night and witnessed the sublime morals moral pekertinya, with the famed perangainya softness, with the famed khusyu'nya, with the famed keramahannya by the whole community, the poor, the rich, merchants, farmers, priest, theologian and those people who still do not get Hidayah also witnessed the glory and honor he rahimahullah hospitality, with a broad knowledge famed, great teacher and chaplain for the Fuqaha in India, day and night of worship, the house is madrasahnya, eat and drink with the guests, father and mother to thousands of students.

In addition to leaving the children and the uterus that connects thousands of business students, he participated in leave-essay essay not only in the language 'Arabic language but also in Java and Sunda. Karangannya also not limited to one branch of knowledge only, but various kinds of knowledge, from the nation, commentary, morals, hinggalah sastera fiqh. Between karangannya printed for use santri-santrinya: --

1. Hilyatul Janan fi hadyil Quran;
2. Safinatus Sa `id;
3. Misbahuz Zaman;
4. Bunyatul Ummahat; and

Buah Delima.

So mawlid months of this year, he witnessed the pemergian to rahmatUllah. Hopefully God put him together with his ancestors so that the adoration of the Prophet saw and hope that God made for us of the left.


Al-Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin Al Athas

>> Friday, January 2, 2009

Al-Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin Al AthasSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Brief History of Habib and Masjid Abdullah Kerapatan dam Bogor

Bogor dam area, South Jakarta City became famous as the location of the stand Kerapatan An Nur Mosque is located right on the road Lolongok.

In the complex that is the Masjid An nur, Abdullah Al Habib Bin Mukhsin Al Athas in makamkan, along with the graves of his sons namely Mukhsin Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas, Zen Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas, Husen Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas, Al Habib Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Athas, Sarifah Nur bint Abdullah Al Athas, and the students kesayangannya namely Habib Alwi Al Habib Bin Muhammad Bin Tohir.

In Manakibnya mentioned that Abdullah Al Habib Bin Mukhsin Al Athas is a "Waliyullah" which has reached a position close to the glorious Allah SWT. He was one of the no Waliyullah of services-services development in the history of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia. He is a theologian "Murobi" role models and experts tasauf become so faint tauladan good for all groups of men and jinn.

Abdullah Bin Al Habib Mukhsin. Bin Muhammad. Bin Abdullah. Bin Muhammad. Bin Mukhsin. Bin Husen. Sheikh bin Al Pole, Al Habib Umar Bin Abdurrohman Al Athas is a spiritual figure who is known by all the knowledgeable public and special. He is the "Expert kasaf" Science and Religion experts that are difficult ditandingi keluawasan knowledge, the number of charities ibadahnya, kemulyaan and moral pekertinya.
Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas he Mukhsin native of South Yemen, was born in the village hawrat
one of the villages in the Al Gross, Village kharaidhoh, "Khadramaut" on Tuesday 20 Jumadi Start Hijriah 1275. Since he was a small gain spiritual education and special attention from the father. He mepelajari the Qur'an in the child's Mu'alim sheikh Umar Bin Faraj Bin Sabah.

In the Age of 17 years he already know by heart al Qui'an. Then he handed to the father by leading scholars at the time. He can draw from various Islamic sciences and branches of faith.

Among his teachers, one of which is Assyayid Al Habib Al Qutbi Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Athas, of the teachers that he had a draw-Science Science and tasauf spiritual, he's getting special do'a Al Habib Abu Bakr Al Athas, so that he successfully achieved a remarkable degree guardian. Among the spiritual teachers that he is a worthy dibanggakan Mulya Sholih Al Habib Bin Abdullah Al Wadi a'mad population Athas.

Habib Abdullah Al-Fatihah was read before the Sholeh Habib and Habib Sholeh menalkinkan Al Al Fatihah to him A'rif Billahi Bin Al-Habib Ahmad Muhammad Al Habsi. when I saw Al Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin that time was still quite small beliu said children this will be the position Mulya.

Abdullah Bin Al Habib Mukhsin studied the Book-length monograph Al Habib Bin Ahmad Al Habsi Zen to Bin Abdullah Al Habib A'lwi Alaydrus often encountered Abror Al-Imam Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Muhdhor. In addition, he also had to visit some of the Waliyulllah tingal in hadramaut such as Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al-Bari sunah a prominent and asar. And sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdullah Basudan. He lived in the residence of Muhammad sheikh basudan for some time in order to deepen Religion.
In the year 1282 Hijriah, Habib Bin Mukhsin Abdulllah the Hajj Ibadah the first time.

In the holy land during his meeting and dialoguing with scholars, leading scholars of Islam. Then, after running the Hajj, he returned to Negrinya with a number of keberkahan. He also visited the City of Tarim to cite the benefits of the guardian-famous guardian.

Once it is enough to leave the city, he brought a number of Tarim with the blessings that are not estimated costs. He also visited some villages and some in the City of Hadramaut for visiting the Guardian and figures Religion and Tasauf good A'lwi Al's family and from other families.

In the year 1283 H, perform the Hajj, he is both. Worship Sepulangnya of Hajj, he is traveling to different worlds to explore peloksok gift of Allah SWT and the source of which is the task Mulya for a spirited Mulya. With the permission of Allah SWT, accompany him to travel to Indonesia. he met with a number of Waliyullah Alwi Al's family, among others, Al-Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Hamzah Al Athas.

Since pertemuanya with Habib Ahmad Ma'rifat get him. And, Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin beginning to the arrival of Pekalongan choose Java as the city where kediamannya. Teacher he Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Athas give much attention to his teacher so every time he Pekalongan menunjungi City does not want to spend the night in the house except Habib Bin Abdullah Al Mukhsin Athos.

In every meeting Habib Ahmad always give spiritual guidance to Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin relationship between the two so that Habib was tied very closely. Habib Ahmad, he's got a lot of spiritual benefits that are difficult to be discussed in the text is well short.

In perjalan life Mukhsin Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas had entered into the prison by the Government of the Netherlands, may experience this God has outlined. For, God wanted to give him a high position and close to it. Bad fortune has also experienced by the Prophet Joseph, who was the U.S. be in prison for several years. However, once out of prison he was given the position by higher authorities Mashor who had memenjarakannya.

Karomah and sanctity Habib Abdullah

While in prison, to keramatan Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin more visible so that the more people who come to visit kerpenjaraan. Of course, it is surprising that the prison official and penjaganya. Until they get involved and benefit from the blessings greatness Habib Abdullah dipenjara,

Each application and intent of the visitor to tell Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin always granted Allah SWT, the guards are overwhelmed at the visitors who come to him suggested they head to the prison so that he immediately freed. However, when the proposal to dirawarkan Habib Abdullah, he refused and preferred to menungu until the completion of the sentence.

On the night of a prison door suddenly opened and he came to his grandfather Al Habib Umar Bin Abdurrohman Al Athas and said, If you want to exit out of prison now, but if you want to be patient and be patient.

He was selected to be patient in prison, on the night was also Sayyidina Al Faqih Al Muqodam and sheik Abdul Qodir Zaelani and some leaders to his guardian. On the occasion of Sayyidina Al-Faqih Al Muqodam give a skull cap. In fact dipagi day fez is still in the head of Al-Habib Abdullah In fact, he met with Al-Faqih Al Muqodam in the dream.

The pengujung continue kepenjara came so berubahlah penjaraan into the house, which is always dituju, he also get various kekeratan the extraordinary things that bring to mind the salaf who owned large Assukran such as sheik and Umar Muhdor

Among Karomah that he acquired is referred to as Al-Habib bin Muhammad Al Idrus Ethiopia that Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas when Mukhsin get grace of Allah SWT, his greatness sink, full of God, lost all contact with the natural world and sergala contents. Al-Habib Muhammad Al Idrus Ethiopia also menuturkan, when I mengujunginya Habib Bin Abdullah Al Mukhsin Athos in prison, I see very commanding appearance, and he looks coated by jet Illahi. When he saw me he said the temple of the temple of lyric-Habib Abdullah Al-Hadad baitnya is the beginning of the following "Wahaii that I visit on a cold night, when no more people will spread the news disposition, Next, Muhammad Habib Idrus said, as long as we embrace and crying, "
Karomah other every time he looked the handcuffs membelegu feet, then handcuffed the terlepaslah.

Also mentioned that when the leaders of the prison told subordinates to bind keher Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin Rante with the iron on the permission of Allah the chain apart, and leader of the prison along with family and relatives get a fever, the doctor can not afford to treat the disease and their families, the prison, the and leaders realize that the prison; it and diseases that caused his family Because he was hurt that Al Habib are dipenjara.

Then, head to prison pengutus subordinates mendo'akan, a disease suffered by the warden and his family in order to recover it then, said Habib Abdullah Take it to the messenger Rante handcuffed and fasten this on foot and neck of the prison, then he will be healed.

Then dikerjakanlah what is said by Habib Abdullah, then with the permission of Allah SWT disease leaders in prison and their families immediately healed. Genesis is penyebabkan leaders increasingly confident prison akan sanctity Mukhsin Habib Abdullah Al Athas. Sekeluarnya from prison, he lived in Jakarta for a few years.

Travel to the dam

From other sources mentioned that the initial first arrival Mukhsin Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas to Indonesia, in the year 1800 BC, the time he was ordered by Habibul Al Imam Abdullah bin Abu Bakr Alayidrus, to go to Mecca. And sesampainya in Mecca, he was carrying prayer at night and dream he met with the SAW Rasullah, somehow what dimimpikannya, to clear the next day he departs the country of Indonesia.

Sesampainya in Indonesia, he dipertemukan with Al Habib Ahmad Hamzah Bin Al Athas da dipakojan Jakarta that he and the study of theology, and Habib Ahmad Hamzah Bin Al Athas ordered that he come to berziarah Habib Husen outside Trunk, So from there travel to his Bogor
He came to the dam does not bring anything,

At the time come to the dam belau Bogor, there is mentioned that the dam at the time there is no penghuninya, but with the knowledge he can turn into light and be told, there is sanctity of another when he was also going to eat dipinggiran middle dam, at the time of the accident came he was a resident of Bogor and said, "Habib, if you are really a Kerapatan Habib, tunjukanlah akan kekeramatannya to me ..

At the time of the accident Mukhsin Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas middle with a fish meal and fish tinggall half again. But Habib said Abdukkah "Yaa same Anjul ilaman Tabis," (oh, if fish really love to tunjukanlah) on the permission of Allah SWT, then and there that the fish live longer jump to the dam. It seems the fish are still alive until now dilaut.

Masjid Kerapatan dam was established around the year 1828, M. Masjid establishment is done with the Habaib and ulama-ulama large in Indonesia. Around the Area Mosque in Kerapatan there is a residual dwelling house Habib Abdullah, who is now the home be occupied by the Caliph Mosque, Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas Zen. Inside the house there is a special room that can not be any person entered, the room was a place of seclusion, and he zikir. In fact, there are his legacy as a place to sleep, stick, gamis and sorbannya that until now still kept intact.

Books, he more or less have 850 books, but who have now lived 100 books, the rest is stored in the "Jamaturkhair or Rabitoh". Tanah Abang Jakarta. One of the book he's famous essay is "Faturrabaniah" perhaps it be the only outstanding scholars large,

The karangannya the other book is "Ratibul Ahtas and Ratibul Hadad." Secondly it is a routine lesson taught by the west to his students, he is still in the living, even to the children and grandchildren, Mukhsin Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas suggests that fixed dibacanya.

Habib Bin Abdullah Al Athas, a Waliyullah with kiprahnya Islam spread from one country kenegeri others. In the village dam, he married a woman keturanan dalem Sholawat. From there he get wakaf land a wide, up to now there are 85 buildings in the village dam on a certificate in the name of Abdullah Bin Al Habib Mukhsin Al Athas.

During his life until the end hayatnya he always read Sholawat the Prophet every day dawam be either read in as many as a thousand times, with a book that is known Sholawat "Dala'l Khoirot" means the good by Allah SWT.

According Manakib, he called on Allah SWT on Tuesday, 29 Zulhijjah 1351 Hijriah beginning of time zuhur corpse he dimakamkan next day on Sunday, after prayer zuhur. Incalculable number of people who participate mesholatkan corpse. He dimakamkan at the West Mosque An nur dam, died before he fell ill sick mild flu.



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